
Wolfness Athletics - Miami Fabric Show Adventures - Wolfness Athletics
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  • Article author: adrienne jackson
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Wolfness Athletics - Miami Fabric Show Adventures
Hello Lovely,  It's the magician with no magic! Let me take you on an adventure. Are you ready? It’s March 26th, I am driving into Miami Florida with my best friend, Cynthia. We are slightly panicked because, if you have driven through miami, people are CRAZY! Why are we in Miami? We were set out to attend our first fabric convention!  Three weeks prior to the adventure, I fast tracked a year long Fashion Business course into just about 6 weeks. So many overwhelming late nights but they were all worth it. I started to understand more into what I wanted, in terms of where Wolfness was heading. So when the opportunity to get to Miami presented itself, I jumped. How could I not? I actually had a battle raging inside of me as I planned out this leap. Why? This was the first time I'd be leaving my daughter for longer than a weekend in almost two years. Most would probably laugh but for me this was a huge step. One I wasn't sure I was ready to take.  Flash forward to Miami, I was missing my beautiful baby but knowing she was safe and fine, I started to really dive into a whole new meaning of Wolfness. I had been designing and creating a collection in my mind and on paper prior to the convention so that when we walked in I could feel each fabric and make some decisions. While there were some amazing fabrics, no decisions were made, only shopping and making connections. I say “only”, but this was a huge step in the right direction.  We attended multiple seminars and one thing I heard that settled any doubt in my mind of leaving my baby girl was this, “There is no substitute for this show. Always do this and be consistent.” “Green light” (Matthew McConaughey Reference). Now that I was sure of my being there, my mind opened to ideas and dreams. There were many other references from speakers in the seminars that aligned with things I had said in the past, but resonated with me in new ways.  The convention only spurred me on in this grand adventure as a mom and as a fashion business owner. Truly, it gave me new direction and a fresh outlook of what I really wanted for Wolfness. We got to meet with some amazing humans, some supplying sustainable fabrics from all over the world. It was nothing short of incredible and informational. Reaching for that dream you've been chasing doesn't mean it will be perfect on the first try, or even easy, for that matter. I’ll be the first to say, IT’S NOT EASY. Though, just like being a mother, it sure as heck isn't an easy job, but you love it non the less and wouldn't give it up even if you had the opportunity! NEVER. Oh woman, is it fun to continue learning about yourself in the chaos bound to follow any dream you chase.  We have another opportunity in July that I am so excited to take. I'll keep you updated with anything I possibly can without giving too much of my little secret away before it actually happens but one thing's for sure, we are evolving as a company and changing for the better. Stay tuned, you lovely lady.  Take care of yourself.  The mama with a dream (aka Ajacs)                     
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Wolfness Athletics Founder's Journey - Who is behind the brand? - Wolfness Athletics
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  • Article author: adrienne jackson
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Wolfness Athletics Founder's Journey - Who is behind the brand?
Hello Lovely,  It’s wonderful to meet you. I am a magician with many hats but no magic. When I started Wolfness Athletics, I was 6 months postpartum with a sweet little baby girl, newly married, and living in a new state. Did I mention, this all happened within one year? Yes ma'am… Back before any of this was even a reality in my mind, I had a vision of bringing women together by what women wear in the gym. Wolfness, specifically came from “she-wolf”. As in saying “she has a wolfness about her.” She's fierce, loyal, and courageous.  Zoom forward a year and some and here we are today, with a little girl turning two in June and so much more knowledge on my side. I've grown to love the fashion industry more now than I ever thought I had in the past. We as humans have a tendency to evolve and grow; funny how that works.  This company has been a joy, a challenge, a learning curve, but mostly a passion. Dreams aren't just for little girls and boys growing up, it's continuously asking yourself, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”. Dreaming is exactly what I love doing however, implementing that dream into reality is a whole different ball game. I had little to no knowledge of the fashion industry when I started. Now, I'm jumping at opportunities to grow the company in a direction of something more than what Wolfness currently is. As a mother, I truly want to inspire this little girl who will grow up with dreams of her own. She is my future beyond this business. My job is to teach her and show her that dreams are possible if you work at it and put your heart into it. Will she have the same dreams as I? No, it's more likely that she will not, and that is okay! Raising a tiny human is not an easy thing to do, but it is truly the most rewarding thing for me, personally.    I can’t share with you all of the details just yet covering what is to come to Wolfness but I will say, we aim to make a difference in the quality and functionality of our clothing, sustainability and care to the earth we are gifted, and most importantly giving back and helping when and where we can, to those around the world. So my lovely lady, stay tuned in this wild adventure! In the meantime, I will do my best to keep you updated on everything taking place and I am beyond excited to share my little secret. The no Magic Magician (aka: Ajacs or Addie Jackson)
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How to Style - Maternity Legging - Wolfness Athletics
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  • Article author: adrienne jackson
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How to Style - Maternity Legging
Hi Lovely Mama, As an expecting mother, it can be a challenge finding something to wear with your ever changing body. We know. We’ve released our Maternity legging to give you comfort in any situation!  Its not easy, especially when your tired and all the energy is getting eaten by this little human growing! Ugh. Have you gone to your closet yet to say the same thing you did yesterday? That “Grrrr, what do I wear? Nothing fits right, and I just want to be comfortable and cute!” Well, have a look at the outfit ideas you can easily wear with our maternity legging!  One way we, at Wolfness Athletics, would pair our leggings for a family outing is with a comfortable bra. First things first a comfortable bra is a must... am I right mama's? A t-shirt that can be tucked up under the bra. And to top it off, throw on some cute booties. Perfect fit for family outings!  Next on the list, we want to style a fit for a casual day out. On this outing you can pair our leggings with a maternity top. Add in a light weight sweater if it is a bit breezy out and finish the look with the flip flops or really, any casual shoe of choice.  What if I have a date night? You may ask… well listen mama, we have your back! Throw our cozy leggings on to start, then throw on one of those tops that make you feel wonderful! This could be a tank, in warmer weather, or a cute sweater tucked up under your bra! As for shoes, we know shoes make a big impact on your fit of choice. So, look in that closet and if you have a high knee boot that’s an easy way to elevate your beautiful look. Another option, low platform heels, because we know those high heels might cause some pain which is what we want to avoid. Am I right mama’s? Could get you a nice foot rub though if we think about that one! Ha. If needed, throw on a cute jacket and you have finished your date night look! Even though you are an expected mama, running errands never seems to end... A cute look to have you feeling better in your errands is, our maternity leggings paired with a t- shirt knotted above the bump. Throw on that jean jacket that you love wearing over the t-shirt. Complete this uplifting fit with some classic chucks (converse). Enjoy those errands now while its quiet mama! The last style we have for you with our maternity leggings is of course......working out. We know that as an expecting mama, sometimes you feel different and uncomfortable in your current body, but we are here today to tell you, “Absolutely not woman, you are just as beautiful as ever”! A very simple way to wear our maternity leggings to workout, is with a sports bra, big oversized t-shirt and some tennis shoes. This simple workout fit will give you the confidence you need, to continue to workout!  If you choose to go with any of our suggestions, we at Wolfness are confident that you will look incredible but also, you might have some amazing style and you will look stunning in anything that you, personally, put together! 
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